Community Engagement
At Bali Island School, we believe every individual matters and can make a positive difference through respectful community engagement within and beyond our school walls.
– Margaret Mead –
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
BIS’s core values are integral to the notion of helping individuals and groups to become responsible members of local, national and global communities. Indeed, the aim of all IB Programmes is to develop internationally-minded citizens who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. We at BIS value service and connections with the community, and have a number of continual sustained projects. We encourage students to instigate, plan and review service projects, as a way of developing leadership and problem-solving skills, and also impacting the larger world, with our responsibilities and potential to make a difference to others’ lives.
Our Community Engagement takes part within the curriculum and beyond the classroom.
Embedded in the BIS curriculum
At BIS, we want all our students to reflect on their learning take meaningful action. This leads to positive engagement within the school community, the local community and beyond. There is a coherent, age appropriate curriculum in place articulating when and how community engagement is nurtured throughout the school
Beyond the classroom.
At BIS, we want our students to become active, compassionate lifelong learners. Learning is not restricted to the school day or within the school walls. We appreciate diversity and the need to engage both purposefully and respectfully with all people. We understand that others have different and important perspectives which we can learn from. Some of our community projects that are taking place after school are:

Community Center Taman Bacaan – partnership with local children

KupuKupu Foundation – partnership with disabled children

Bali Life Foundation/Street Centre – partnership with poor children

Bali Life Foundation/Street Centre – partnership with poor children

Bali Pet Crusaders


Battle of the Bands

Bye-Bye Plastic & environmental initiatives

Sharing Facilities with the community

Education Outside the Classroom

BIS Community Festivals

Mother Tongue Clubs

Partner Schools

Student Newspaper

BIS Community Garden – students grow vegetables, fruit and flowers

Spirit Week