At BIS, we integrate technology to make learning more relevant and to better prepare our students for the future.
Technology facilitates active, student-centered learning, and accommodates a wide variety of learning styles. We believe that appropriate and proficient use of technology is best learned in context and enhances the learning of subject area knowledge. We believe in transforming education with differentiated learning and instruction through technology.
BIS has the right technology resources available throughout the school in order to meet our educational goals. Supporting anytime, anywhere learning, BIS has a state-of-the-art campus-wide wireless network. All classrooms are equipped with a digital projector and stereo sound system for multimedia content presentation.
Additionally, BIS supports the successful integration of technology through the following human resources:
- IT Manager & School-wide Technology Integration Coach, overseeing the infrastructure and technology support across the school and assisting and developing appropriate technology use by teachers and students
- Two IT Support specialists, dedicated to maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure
- School Database Administrator, in charge of ManageBac and associated systems
In the Primary School all class rooms are equipped with laptops and iPads Additionally there are two laptop carts available for the primary school to complement the existing integration of technology within the classroom. In upper Primary our students work actively with Google Apps.
n the Secondary School we have a 1:1 Bring-Your-Own-Laptop program. All students in grades 6 to 12 are required to bring a laptop to school everyday. Teachers and students use laptops to create, communicate and collaborate on educational content, and enhance learning with full-time access to global resources.
The 1:1 laptop program in the Secondary Division is a logical and vital component of Bali Island School. Through this initiative, previously impossible opportunities for communication and outside learning are immediately available. Everyday exposure to laptop technology will help our students develop work habits and research skills that are second to none.
Beside Google Apps, Secondary students have access to ManageBac. We use the web based system called ManageBac as our main curriculum planning, assessment and reporting system, which fully supports all the International Baccalaureate Programmes. Students can access rich information about their subjects, including units, assessment rubrics, calendars and results.
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty

BIS is committed to ensuring our students adhere to the principle of academic honesty. To aid us in this, we have partnered with PlagScan and use their service for text-matching of student work against their private database. PlagScan will provide our teachers with an indicator of any significant overlap between the student’s work and other sources. While in itself this is not a definitive indication of dishonesty, it will help the teacher to ensure that the student’s work reflects their own learning.
Students in grades 3 through 12 also agree to our BIS Student Acceptable Use Agreement outlining safety precautions, trust and honesty when working online and community-appropriate tech, device and internet use.