We at BIS are proud of our learning outcomes
Total value of scholarships awarded for the Classes of 2021 – 2023 : $1,138.662.019 USD
Our graduation results exceed regularly the world average and 100% of our graduates got accepted at university and 90% at their favourite one. We are constantly improving our teaching styles to offer the best possible education to our students. With our experience, we offer excellent preparation for university. Beside the curriculum, students are supported by our counselor, who helps them to choose the right courses and prepare university and other applications. Our teachers encourage every student individually to best support their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. Our Diploma results are especially remarkable as we are accepting all students into the Diploma, not only the strongest ones.
“Having been educated from Preschool through Graduation at BIS was a privileging experience. The guidance of professional and caring teachers through the entire International Baccalaureate curriculum (PYP,MYP,IB) undoubtedly develops individuals into confident, well rounded global citizens. The BIS community is open minded, hard working, close knit and provides students with a platform to progress beyond their potential. I am currently a 2nd gap year individual, working as a professional singer / songwriter as well as a Communications and Social Media Manager. I’m planning to study Music Business at a university in England. The gratitude I have for BIS is endless, and I thank them for providing me with a second home and am proud to be a Dragon!”

Thearosa Perez
Graduated 2015
Our 2008-2022 Graduates Got Accepted in Colleges and Universities All Over the World
Australian Air force*
Deakin University
Monash University
Queensland University *
RMIT University
University of Melbourne*
University of New South Wales*
University of Sydney*
University of Technology Sydney
University of Western Australia
McGill University*
Ontario College of Art and
Design University: OCAD
Ryerson University
Trent University
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia*
University of Toronto*
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
York University*
Ontario College of Art and Design University
Ryerson University
Trent University
University of British Columbia
University of Toronto
York University*
Ching Tsing Hwa University
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Keio University
Sophia University
Waseda University*
SUNY Korea
Hanyang University
Sogang University
University Technology Malaysia
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of the Arts in Qatar*
Chinese Culture University
National ChangChua University of
National Cheng Kung University
National Chengchi University
National Central University
National Kaoshiung Normal University*
National Taiwan University of Science
and Technology
National Tsing Hua University*
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences*
Groningen University
Maastricht University
The Hague University of Applied Sciences*
University of Amsterdam
University College Utrecht*
Eindhoven University of Technology*
Leiden University*
Tilburg University
University of Amsterdam*
Aberdeen University
Bournemouth University
Brighton University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
City University of London*
Dundee University
Durham University
Edinburgh Napier*
Hult International Business School*
Kings College
London Southbank University
Manchester Metropolitan University*
Queen Mary University of London
Royal Holloway University of London
Teeside University
University of Exeter
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of East London
University of Essex
University of Glasgow
University of Kent
University of Nottingham*
University of Oxford*
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University of Stirling
Boston University*
Cal Arts
Case Western
Drexel University
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emory University*
Drexel University
Florida International University
Ohio State University
Purdue University*
Quinnipiac University
San Diego State University*
Santa Barbara City College*
Sarah Lawrence College
The University of Texas at Austin
University of California Davis*
University of California Riverside
University of California San Diego
University of California Santa Cruz
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Michigan
University of Virginia
University of Washington
Allegheny College*
Kent State University*
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences (MCPHS)*
Rutgers University
New Brunswick